List of drugs excluded from Social Security

For six years now, more than 400 medicines have been excluded from Social Security, , meaning that since then they have to be paid. It is really an extensive list in which there are some really popular medicines so that if you want to know which ones are full, today we bring you the whole list of excluded medicines so you can consult it.

Why did you stop paying for Social Security?

The expense of the National Health System it is excessive , so that in 2012 and situating ourselves in the context of an economic crisis, to save, it was decided to withdraw a total of 417 medicines, which apparently would represent a saving of around 458 million of euros.

Apparently, these were drugs which have a lesser therapeutic effect. This withdrawal would allow us to bet on more innovative drugs and although the latter does not seem to have been imposed at the moment the truth is that we have become accustomed to missing these drugs, or in fact do not enter for social security. p>

In this way, anyone who needs any of the drugs included in the list has to pay their full amount at the pharmacy. Among the medications that we have excluded are: anti-flu, antidiarrheals, drugs for varicose veins, constipation, medications for ocular dryness or treatments for gastric secretion.

Some of them were and they are quite popular such as Almax , which is used for heavy digestion or Diclofenac which is taken as analgesic in cases such as lumbago. Medicines all of them that were previously included in Social Security used to cost just one euro or two as much, but now being out, can cost up to ten euros (depends on the medication itself and its size).

But why is it decided to take these drugs out of the Social Security payment system? We explain all the criteria below.

Criteria followed to exclude these drugs

Following a criterion of savings, We found ourselves with these series of drugs that were excluded from the pharmaceutical benefit of the National Health System. The reasons that were followed for the exclusion were:

  • a- The establishment of selected prices
  • b- That coexists with another over-the-counter medication with which it shares the active principle and dose
  • c- Consideration of the product as advertising in our European environment.
  • d- That the active ingredient has a profile of safety and efficacy that is favorable and sufficiently documented through years of experience and external use.
  • c- For being indicated drugs in the treatment of minor symptoms.
  • f- For fulfilling any of the criteria of non-inclusion in the public financing collected in the apdo 2 of article 89 of Law 29/2006 of July 26 on guarantees and rational use of medicines and health products.

Medications that are excluded

Below we offer you the complete list of these medicines that can no longer be paid through the Social Security.This is mainly because payment for prescription drugs is based on income.

So my income statement also determines what I pay for medications? Well yes, although when you go to the doctor, you should not present any type of income. In fact, all the information is shared between the Treasury or the Tax Agency and the INSS, which is the Social Security Institute, so that when the first ones receive your annual Income Tax return, the information of what you earn, taxes or declares it is added as information to the INSS so that when you go to the doctor and he/she prescribes a medication, it will automatically show what you must pay for it.

What scales are set to pay more or less ? Well what is taken into account is the data that is shared with respect to the consolidated income, which in the Income statement, appears in the box of general payable base and savings. /strong>

In this way, depending on what appears in that box, we will pay more or less for a prescription medication. If you make an Income Tax return that is always the same, surely you will always be paying the same, but if for example you run out of work, or increase your assets it is possible that the amount of the drugs will be reduced or increased.

If you want to know then what fixed amount you should pay for your medications we can say that the INSS values ​​between "Assets" and "Pensioners" to establish their rates.

If you are not retired you will then be an "Active" and this is what you must pay:

  • Income less than € 18,000: You pay 40% (Retail price) of each container, without monthly limit.
  • Income between € 18,000 and € 100,000: You pay 50% of the retail price. each container, without monthly limit.
  • Rent equal to or greater than € 100,000: You pay 60% of the PVP of each container, without monthly limit.

In the case of being a Pensionist a, this is what you must pay (with monthly caps):

  • 8.23 ​​euros monthly limit for patients with income less than 18,000 euros
  • 18.52 euros monthly limit for patients with an income equal to or greater than 18,000 euros and less than 100,000 euros
  • 61.75 euros Monthly limit for patients with income above 100,000 euros.

Article of interest: