What is rhinitis?
One of the most common diseases related to the nose is undoubtedly rhinitis, which depending on its severity, may require undergoing an operation. Then, all the information about What is rhinitis? , as well as the types of rhinitis there are and what are the treatments about it.
What is rhinitis?
Rhinitis is a irritation and inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the most common symptoms are the sensation of nasal congestion, discharge nasal and retro nasal drip. It can be caused by allergic, non-allergic, hormonal, occupational, infections and other factors. It is often associated with an increase in histamine production, particularly when it is caused by allergens, but in many others the exact cause is unknown.

It is important to know that there are several types of rhinitis and from here on we will know how to treat it. The first thing is that we look at the symptoms.
In general, the typical symptoms are rhinitis:
- stuffy nose or brat
- frequent sneezing
- lachrymation
- headache
- conjunctivitis
- impaired taste perception of food
Rhinitis may also be limited in time , and therefore result in an acute form or become chronic.Therefore, it is a real process of vasodilation caused mainly by:
- a high temperature and thermal changes
- strong humidity
- exposure to toxic fumes or intense fragrances
- spicy or too hot foods
- stress
- alcoholic substances
- hormonal imbalances
- physical exercise intense
- strong emotions
- sexual arousal
- hormonal therapies or hormonal contraceptives
In addition to the classic symptoms of rhinitis, chronic vasomotor rhinitis can also manifest itself as:
- irritated nose
- feeling sick inside and around the nose
- reduced sense of smell
- formation of one or more cortices within the nasal cavities
- halitosis
- tendency to snoring
Finally, if not treated properly, chronic vasomotor rhinitis can cause the appearance of:
- sinusitis
- nasal polyps
- otitis
Treatments for rhinitis
The treatment of rhinitis depends, of course, on the triggers.
For chronic allergic rhinitis, we usually need:
- avoid exposure to triggers allergens
- administer antihistamines
- use decongestants
It is important to also take into account the opinion of the doctor because it will be this who considers what type of treatment to follow depending on how rhinitis we are suffering.
For chronic vasomotor rhinitis, we usually need :
- avoid exposure to those factors that seem to lead to dilatation of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa
- perform nasal washes with solutions salinas to clean the cavity Excess mucus nasal use, under the prescription of the doctor, corticosteroids or anticholinergic nasal sprays
Food and natural remedies that can alleviate the symptoms:
>- licorice : which has anti-inflammatory properties, fights coughs and helps to expectorate
- the stinging nettle , infused or extracted. This plant blocks and slows the production of mucus and attacks produced mainly by pollen allergy. It is advisable to take an infusion.
- Honey , which contains pollen: for this reason, when eating it habitually (remember to take the organic), the organism becomes accustomed and consequently reduces the reaction allergic that we can have when we suffer any type of allergy and especially the rinits.
- green tea , which prevents the production of histamine
- turmeric , which promotes the blockade of immunoglobulin E and reduces the symptoms of allergy. It is also recommended in the form of tea or infusions.
Foods with histamine to be avoided in case of rhinitis:
to nutrition, you should generally avoid foods that contain histamine in larger amounts, such as:
- Raw fish
- seafood
- Aged cheese
- Meat and fish seasoned and smoked
- Sausages
- Leguminous foods, especially chickpeas
Article of interest :
- Rhinitis: types and treatments